About me

Dr. Tobias Blickle

Software Specialist

Software development, software architecture, and software development process management are my passion. With over 20 years of experience in professional software development I am aware of the challenges when it comes to management of architecture as well as people.

Major experience and projects

Agile Transformation

Introduction of agile software development methods for a development department of 38 people in 4 teams, implementation of the change process.

Software development management

Introduction of basic best practices in software development such as build automation, test automation, continuous integration, clean code, code metrics.

Software architecture

Conversion of a legacy software into a REST-based service-oriented J2EE architecture with responsive, accessible Web UI in JavaScript and AngularJS.

Product management

Market and competitor analyzes as well as analyst support, identification of market opportunities, "Pragmatic Marketing Certified".

ISO 27001 Certification

Introduction of processes and documentation for an information security management system and management of the corresponding certification of the company according to ISO 27001. 


Category Title
Book T.Blickle, H.Hess, J Klueckmann, M. Lees, B. Williams
Process Intelligence for Dummies
Wiley, 2010
Expert Paper T.Blickle, H.Heß
"From Process Efficiency to Organizational Performance"
Expert Paper, IDS Scheer AG, Altenkesseler Straße 17, 66115 Saarbruecken, 2006
Journal Paper M. von den Driesch, T. Blickle
"Operatives, toolgestütztes Corporate Performance Management mit dem ARIS Process Performance Manager"
in A.-W. Scheer, W. Jost, H. Heß, A. Kronz, "Corporate Performance Management - ARIS in der Praxis", Springer, 2006, ISBN-10 3-540-33358-4
Invited talk T. Blickle
"Über intelligente Prozessanalysen zum performanceorientierten Controlling"
in Fachtagung Controllingkonzepte für die Praxis 2005 9. und 10. November 2005 Intercity Hotel Frankfurt/Main Flughafen
Journal Paper T. Blickle, H.Heß
"Organizational Performance: Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit sichtbar machen"
in A.-W. Scheer, H. Kruppke, W.Jost, H. Kindermann, "AGILITÄT durch ARIS Geschäftsprozessmanagement", Springer, 2005, ISBN-10 3-540-25007-7
PhD Thesis Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms and Application to System Synthesis